Tuesday 25 August 2015

Russian Wikipedia Editors Weighing Options After Site Is Blacklisted In Russia

wikipedia-down The Russian government has instructed all ISPs in the country to block Russian Wikipedia following their denied request to remove a post about preparing narcotics. Read More

Friday 21 August 2015

Saturday 8 August 2015

Does The NFL’s Honor Code Ban Daily Fantasy Leagues?

Even the appearance of impropriety, let alone any actual wrongdoing, is apparently enough to warrant harsh penalties in the NFL.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

A 12-year-old girl got a higher IQ score than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking


Nicole Barr, a 12-year-old in Essex, London, just scored a 162 on her Mensa IQ test — that's two points higher than Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking scored.

A "genius" score on the test is a 140

Nicole's father, Jim Barr, took Nicole to take the test with the hunch that she would likely be accepted into Mensa

“I was expecting her to do well. I knew she had a quick mind for working out problems and puzzles,” Jim told Yahoo. “I didn’t want to put any pressure on her, so we went for the fun of it. I had the idea in my mind that she would get into Mensa, but when I got the results back, I thought, ‘Wow that’s a high score!’ It wasn’t until later that I learned it was the top score possible on that test.Read more...

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