Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Summer Associate Allegedly Dismissed Over Wild Incident With Cocaine, Hookers
Non-Sequiturs: 06.30.15
How Boing Boing handles customer service on our Facebook page
Founder Stories: Webflow’s Y Combinator Journey

Apple Music Now Available On The Mac Via iTunes

'Creed' trailer is no schlocky 'Rocky' — this thing looks awesome
LOS ANGELES — Now we're ready to believe in Creed.
When it was announced in 2013 that MGM and Warner Bros. were training up a Rocky spin-off with Fruitvale Station director Ryan Coogler and star Michael B. Jordan in the title role, we have to admit we were scratching our heads. Was another trip into the Rocky ring, which seemed out of gas after a wildly uneven six films, really the best move for one of Hollywood's brightest up-and-coming director/actor duos?
SEE ALSO: 'Terminator Genisys' review: With Arnold, it pops. Without him, it fizzles
Then along came this trailer, which first played at Cinemacon and was released Tuesday. No joke: This thing looks like it has a fighting chance at greatness. Read more...
More about Movies, Movie Trailers, Entertainment, Film, and RockyZuck Details How Artificial Intelligence Will Show You The Perfect Facebook Posts

Microsoft Drops Another Windows 10 Build

With new Chrome extension, everything is mostly awesome
Because we can all use a little more positivity in our lives (especially on the Internet), there is now a Google Chrome extension that replaces what it deems negative and/or swear words with something more awesome.
London-based creative marketing and search agency Verve Search has built an extension on Google Chrome that filters out offending words so they show up as the word awesome instead, all decked out in fancy rainbow lettering.
Take, for example, this story.
While it isn't negative, the Everything is Awesome extension keys in on one word and replaces it. Read more...
More about Google Chrome, Google Chrome Extensions, Tech, Apps Software, and The Lego MovieHillary Clinton emails from 2009 released by State Department
WASHINGTON — The State Department has released roughly 3,000 pages of Hillary Rodham Clinton's correspondence from 2009, her first year as the nation's top diplomat.
The emails, covering March through December of that year, were posted online Tuesday evening, as part of a court mandate that the agency release batches of Clinton's private correspondence from her time as secretary of state every 30 days starting June 30.
Clinton's emails have become a major issue in her early presidential campaign, as Republicans accuse her of using a private account rather than the standard government address to avoid public scrutiny of her correspondence. As the controversy has continued, Clinton has seen ratings of her character and trustworthiness drop in polling. Read more...
More about Hillary Clinton, Us World, Politics, Us, and 2016 Presidential CampaignDoes Social Media Do Any Good At All In Marketing?
Monday, 29 June 2015
The (Monday) Morning After: A Conversation About Obergefell With David Lat
Where Are The Invisible Apps?