Wednesday 22 July 2015

Facebook now lets you restrict who views videos by age and gender


As Facebook takes aim at YouTube with a growing video platform, the social network is giving advertisers and publishers more say in who sees their videos.

The company said Tuesday that video creators will now be able to restrict their audience by age and gender, in addition to the location and language options it already offered

It's also rolling out a new "secret" mode, which makes videos playable only to those with a direct link, much like YouTube's "unlisted" function. Video publishers can now opt to turn off third-party embedding, or house videos only under a "videos" tab separate from the News Feed. Read more...

More about Youtube, Facebook, Advertising, and Social Media

An Entertainment Lawyer And A Novelist: An Interview With Robert Rotstein

Meet a successful entertainment lawyer who produces entertainment of his own -- by writing legal thrillers.

Tuesday 21 July 2015

'True Detective' Episode 5: That's it, I've had it with this damn show


LOS ANGELES — "Think it over, Velcoro," Ani Bezzerides says to Colin Farrell's character in this week's True Detective. "Never too late to start all over again."

Apparently not. And so Season 2 starts the story all over again, again, with "Other Lives."

Well, enough is enough. I've had it with this damn show, and its red herrings, lazy fast-forwards and whiplash do-overs. And we're just at EPISODE 5, for goodness' sake.

SEE ALSO: Welcome to Vernon, the bizarro real-life 'Vinci' from 'True Detective'

I stayed up late Sunday night watching "Other Lives" with the intent of writing a flash recap, a practice I managed to keep going for the first four episodes. But on Sunday night, in a pitiful failure to do the best part of my job, I did not. I could not. I was too frustrated, too weary, too utterly mystified as to what to say Read more...

More about Television, Hbo, Entertainment, Tv, and True Detective

Monday 13 July 2015

Non-Sequiturs: 07.13.15

* 50 Cent has declared bankruptcy. Forthwith, he shall be known as "The Secured Creditors' Half-Dollar." [Business Insider] * Nina Totenberg talked with Justice Ginsburg and learned the reason the so-called liberal wing of the Court wrote so few separate opinions: they have agreed to speak with one voice as much as possible. As Justice Ginsburg put it, "If you want to make sure you're read, you do it together, and you do it short." [NPR] * Are you licensed in Texas? Frequent contributor Dan Hull of Hull McGuire is looking for local counsel. [What About Clients?] * Academics are planning to hold onto their jobs past retirement age because you can take their jobs from their cold, dead, tenured hands. [TaxProf Blog] * How are you using LinkedIn? Because if you use it only as a connections catalog, you're missing out on an opportunity to publicize your practice. [Law and More] * The opposite of saved by the bell: man free on bond sent to jail cell when fire alarm disrupts hearing. Then the judge leaves the building, stranding the guy in a cell. [Times-Picayune] * Richard Hsu chats with author Brad Meltzer about his new book and weathering the rejection he experienced over his first novel. And stay tuned, because there's more Richard Hsu coming up in tonight's final post. [Hsu Untied] * Kaye Scholer’s Managing Partner Michael Solow talks about the firm's new digs at 250 West 55th Street. [Big Law Business / Bloomberg BNA]

Mother of twins put an FAQ on their stroller

Uncanny Anny made an FAQ about her young twin girls and took a photo of it attached to their stroller. Yes, they are mine.

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How to disable Adobe Flash in your browser


Adobe Flash needs to go.

The fact that we're faced with yet another major security flaw in the software — this time discovered in the stolen Hacking Team documents — only highlights what experts have been saying for years

Flash is not only unnecessary with today's streaming technology, but can open users up to major security vulnerabilities

Luckily, Flash is relatively easy to disable in most browsers — if you know where too look. Check out our guide to find out exactly how to remove it from Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Safari. Read more...

More about Adobe, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Tech, and Adobe Flash

Star Wars TIE Fighter is the music box you're looking for — with a hyperspace price


You may claim to be a hardcore Star Wars fan. But if you're really in tune with the Force — especially the Dark Side of it — you'll do whatever's necessary to acquire the TIE Fighter-inspired MusicMachine 3

The device is an extremely limited edition; only 99 exist in black, silver and chrome. It is described by high-end watchmaker MB&F and its partner Reuge, as a "music box for the 21st century."

The downside? The MusicMachine 3 sells for about $18,000 (17,500 Swiss Francs, according to Hodinkee.

What makes it worth that price tag, according to the description: Extremely unusual speaker design Read more...

More about Gadgets and Star Wars

Ain’t No Party Like A Courthouse Rooftop Sex Party

Who has sex on the roof of a courthouse? Apparently these people.

Texas Court Upholds Unalienable Right To Groomed Eyebrows

Justice Willett understands just how important eyebrow maintenance is.

Apple Pay Has Officially Launched In The U.K.

15023058127_b21f702640_k The Eagle has landed. An accidental tweet told us that the U.K. wouldn’t have to wait for Apple Pay much longer, and that tweet was right. Apple Pay has officially launched in the U.K. Finally! It has been available to customers here in the US since last October, so your time has finally come, U.K. Hopefully your bank is one of the launch participants: American Express, First Direct,… Read More

Fans are awestruck by that 'Suicide Squad' trailer


An anonymous Comic-Con visitor leaked a bootlegged Suicide Squad trailer over the weekend after it was shown at the Warner Bros. panel in San Diego. Luckily, Warner Bros responded by posting the proper HD version — and the reaction has been highly favorable.

The trailer ends with an eerie first peek at Jared Leto's turn as the Joker. But it also features Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, Will Smith as Deadshot, and Viola Davis as Amanda Waller, the agent bringing them all together for some dangerous black ops missions

It's safe to say that fans are pretty excited about seeing the anti-heroic squad in action. Initial reactions were quite positive, with everyone from Silicon Valley's Kumail Nanjiani to Gerard Way of My Chemical Romance adding their two cents: Read more...

More about Twitter, Entertainment, Film, Twitter Reactions, and Suicide Squad

Saturday 11 July 2015

Virtual Reality Porn And The Future Of Loneliness

lonely Welcome to the very-near future of porn. A few weeks back, a sex toy company called Lovense and a virtual reality porn company called VirtualRealPorn announced their collaboration. Soon, VirtualRealPorn’s growing library of VR porn videos will coordinate with Lovense’s digitally-endowed vibrator and Fleshlight-esque Max toy to stimulate your sensitive bits in sync with virtual sex. Read More

US Army National Guard reveals they, too, recently suffered data breach

The compromised data includes Social Security Numbers, Dates of Birth, and Home Addresses. Read the rest

Norman Reedus proves he's a real-life hero during Comic-Con panel


SAN DEIGO — It turns out that Norman Reedus is more badass than anyone knew

In fact, he's a real-life hero

Sitting on TV Guide's Fan Favorites panel Saturday afternoon, The Walking Dead star explained that filming the show is more grueling than some may know and that sometimes the process results in cast members being carted to the hospital

One time, he said, a severe cut on his hand led to one such visit to the hospital, but his ride back to his house took a turn when he and his driver spotted an overturned 18-wheeler on the side of the road. A woman said the driver had suffered a heart attack Read more...

More about Television, Entertainment, Tv, and The Walking Dead

Thursday 9 July 2015

Supreme Court Clerk Hiring Watch: Who Is NOT Retiring From SCOTUS?

Check out the latest Supreme Court clerk hiring action -- which offers a window into the justices' retirement plans.

NFL star's finger reportedly amputated after fireworks accident


One of the most coveted defensive players in the NFL reportedly had to have his right index finger amputated thanks to a Fourth of July fireworks accident, according to reports Wednesday evening

But Jason Pierre-Paul's apparently obliterated finger isn't even the juiciest part of this story — no, the most interesting part is how the world came to know about his demolished digit

Pierre-Paul is a defensive end for the New York Giants. The 26-year-old is a two-time Pro Bowler, and was first-team All-Pro in 2011. The Giants recently stuck him with their "franchise tag," which means the team plans to build around him longterm and guarantees him one of the league's best salaries at his position Read more...

More about Nfl, Entertainment, and Sports

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Million Dollar Listing Star Andrew Greenwell On San Francisco’s Insane Housing Market

Burrowing owls led to anarchists vomiting on tech shuttles and that now brings us to yet another reality show attempting to capture the current fever pitch in Silicon Valley. Bravo’s Million Dollar Listing branches over to the Bay Area in tonight’s premiere episode. Naturally, we sat down with show star and real estate mogul Andrew Greenwell to find out why he thought shining a… Read More