Friday, 8 May 2015

‘Massive’ solar expansion by 2050 may be necessary for climate, MIT reports


A "massive" global expansion of solar power — possibly enough to supply about a third or more of the world's electricity — may be necessary by 2050 to reduce the impacts of fossil fuels on the climate, according to a report published by MIT this week.

Solar's efficiency and abundance make it the clean energy source best suited to cut greenhouse gas emissions. But for it to make a big enough climate difference, the amount of solar power generation capacity on U.S. soil would have to increase from today's 20 gigawatts to up to 400 gigawatts, or enough to provide power to 80 million homes, Robert Stoner, deputy director of the MIT Energy Initiative and a co-author of the report, said. Read more...

More about Environment, Climate Change, Mit, Solar Power, and Solar Energy

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