Thursday 28 May 2015

TED turns away mother, baby at conference for women


MONTEREY, California — A mother and her 5-month-old baby were asked to leave TEDWomen, a conference meant to celebrate the accomplishments and potential of women and girls around the world

Jessica Jackley, author of Clay Water Brick: Finding Inspiration from Entrepreneurs Who Do the Most with the Least, brought her nursing infant to the three-day conference in Monterey, California, on Thursday, and was asked to leave by staff who explained that children are not permitted to attend the event

Jackley wrote in a tweet that she was disappointed to leave the conference and wondered why an event that focuses on women doesn't have accommodations for working mothersMashable contacted Jackley for a comment, but could not reach her immediately Read more...

More about Women, Breastfeeding, Ted, Gender, and Us World

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