Tuesday 30 June 2015

Non-Sequiturs: 06.30.15

* Justice Kennedy's writing style... maybe it's a little over the top. [PrawfsBlawg] * If you're looking for representation at the Supreme Court, go small. [Law360 (sub. req.)] * Marriage equality is only one more step for activists. Next up, fair housing and overall equality. Perhaps on the housing case, we'll get to hear Justice Thomas make some tone-deaf claim about how there's no need for protection from housing discrimination because gays are overrepresented on Bravo. [RH Reality Check] * Don't like the Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell? Why propose a constitutional amendment when you can propose a new constitutional convention? Runaway Con-Con! [Ab Initio] * A linguistic analysis of jiggery-pokery and the prose of Antonin Scalia. [The Chronicle of Higher Education] * A jury cleared the University of Iowa College of Law of "political discrimination" when it passed over conservative Teresa Manning's application to join the faculty.[Associated Press via ABC News] * Everyone in New York received an Amber Alert over their phones earlier today. Did anyone crash their cars when their phone started screeching with sounds it had never blared before? [New York Personal Injury Law Blog]

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